Set your fitness goals with Refresh. This treatment uses an Infraredi Technology
that emits red and near-infrared light that helps in increasing blood circulation
through the formulation of new capillaries - speeding up the healing process
of the skin, muscle tissue, and other parts of your body. Besides giving you a
relaxing sensation while lying down, this therapy also has been proven to be
effective for a wide range of health issues, including muscle recovery, joint pain,
arthritis, weight loss, skin health, anti-aging, mental clarity, sexual performance,
hormonal balance, and sleeping pattern.
Set your fitness goals with Refresh. This treatment uses an Infraredi Technology
that emits red and near-infrared light that helps in increasing blood circulation
through the formulation of new capillaries - speeding up the healing process
of the skin, muscle tissue, and other parts of your body. Besides giving you a
relaxing sensation while lying down, this therapy also has been proven to be
effective for a wide range of health issues, including muscle recovery, joint pain,
arthritis, weight loss, skin health, anti-aging, mental clarity, sexual performance,
hormonal balance, and sleeping pattern.